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SmartGlass™ energy efficient glass
winner of HIA GreenSmart award.

What is SmartGlass™?
Year round comfort for your family.
SmartGlass energy efficient glass works like wall and ceiling insulation, constantly protecting you and your family from the extremes of heat and cold. Now the whole family can enjoy the views, natural light and a much more comfortable living environment throughout the year.

24/7 active insulation technology
SmartGlass incorporates Viridian’s advanced active insulation coating technology. In summer, SmartGlass actively reduces the amount of solar heat that enters a home. In winter, it works in reverse, reflecting warmth back into the home.

Boosts the energy Star Rating
of your home
SmartGlass is so advanced it can help homes achieve up to an extra Star Rating in
energy efficiency when compared with ordinary glass.

Save on heating and cooling
SmartGlass is an affordable energy efficient upgrade from ordinary glass that delivers superior insulation, a more comfortable home, and heating and cooling savings all year round.
Looks ordinary?
Guess again.

A revolution in window technology.
SmartGlass is a revolution in window technology. It looks like ordinary glass but has a high tech (Low E) coating fused to the glass which actively insulates a home.

The latest advance in home insulation.
Viridian is the only glass manufacturer in Australia to feature the world-leading hard coat technology used in SmartGlass. This Low-E coating is added to the glass at extremely high temperatures, producing a tough, durable layer of transparent insulation.

Your choice of frame.
SmartGlass suits almost any style of window frame - timber, aluminium or PVC. It can even be cut to fit existing windows making it the smartest choice for renovations to give you year round comfort.

See SmartGlass in action.

As you can see, when it’s cold outside SmartGlass reflects the little girl’s body heat back into the room, helping keep her warm. Compare this to the ordinary glass window where heat escapes to the outside.

Your quality guarantee.
Viridian employ world leading technology to produce our performance glass so when you see the Sandpiper label on the your glass you can be confident you’re getting the very best.

Viridian 10 year warranty.
SmartGlass comes with Viridian’s 10 year warranty which includes an extra processing warranty, exclusive to all Viridian SmartGlass. Viridian is the largest manufacturer and processor of glass in Australia and New Zealand with a large support network to assist you.

Choosing the SmartGlass that’s best for your home.
Viridian SmartGlass incorporates an advanced energy efficient insulation coating. There are four colours of SmartGlass available, each providing increasing levels of solar protection (SP). You should talk with your builder or window provider to determine the SmartGlass most suited to your home’s location, climate and window orientation.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is SmartGlass? SmartGlass is an affordable energy efficient glass that reflects heat to actively insulate your home’s windows. This keeps internal temperatures more comfortable. That means less heating and cooling and savings on your power bills.
What does it do? SmartGlass insulates your windows. In summer, SmartGlass reflects summer heat away from your windows, keeping your home cooler. At night or during winter, it reflects heat inward, keeping your home warmer. So SmartGlass reduces your heating and cooling bills all year round.
What is a Low-E coating? Low-E stands for Low Emissivity. A low emissivity coating reduces the amount of infrared energy (heat) that passes through the window. There are two main kinds of Low-E coatings – Hard coat and Soft coat Low-E. The Low-E coating on SmartGlass is a hard coat.
Are there different types of SmartGlass?
Yes, there are 4 types of SmartGlass. All SmartGlass has the same insulation benefits, however you can select increasing levels of Solar Protection (SP) from summer heat. The range includes: Clear, Neutral, Green and Grey. The higher the SP, the greater the Solar Protection of the SmartGlass.